Episode 227- Teen Girls, Anxiety, and becoming brave with Sissy Goff

Sissy Goff

It is probably no surprise to you that kids and teens are more anxious than ever. But- did you know that girls are twice as likely to develop an anxiety disorder than boys and yet significantly less likely to get treatment for anxiety than their male friends? Our daughters are suffering and isolated and they need our help.

Sissy is a licensed counselor and the director of counseling for girls and young women at Daystar Counseling Ministries in Nashville, TN. She is the author of 11 books on parenting, and today we are going to talk about her new book- "BRAVE: A Teen Girl's Guide To Beating Worry And Anxiety."

In this episode, we discuss:

-The relationship between fear, worry, and anxiety
-The specific triggers and scenarios that increase anxiety
-Preventative steps we can take if our daughters are still young
-And empower girls to find their voice both in their fears and in their accomplishments

Where to Find Sissy:



BRAVE: A Teen Girl's Guide To Beating Worry And Anxiety